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This washed Peru was produced by the El Diamante group from a small town sharing the same name. The coffees are processed using small depulping machines to remove the outer cherry before  being fermented in tanks for a day and a half. The result is an abundantly sweet and full bodied cup. 

Region -Del Diamante, Cajamarca

Notes - Raw Sugar, Baked Apple, Pear Butter

Process - Washed

Varietal: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Catimor

Altitude: 1900 masl



We roast weekly on Wednesdays. 

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This washed Peru was produced by the El Diamante group from a small town sharing the same name. The coffees are processed using small depulping machines to remove the outer cherry before  being fermented in tanks for a day and a half. The result is an abundantly sweet and full bodied cup. 

Region -Del Diamante, Cajamarca

Notes - Raw Sugar, Baked Apple, Pear Butter

Process - Washed

Varietal: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Catimor

Altitude: 1900 masl



We roast weekly on Wednesdays. 

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price $15.00 USD Sale price $18.00 USD
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